Recent Works (2005- )

32) "Modeling public fear under the information environment of emergencies as COVID-19 and wars" (August 2023) by Teruaki Ohnishi in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics $ Statistics (in press).

31) "By what extent the Japanese has been surprised by COVID-19 information?: Emotional contagion and its mathematical model" by Teruaki Ohnishi in European Journal of Applied Sciences Vol.10,No.1 (2022),pp.39-56.

30) "日本におけるCOVID-19環境下での情動伝染とその数学モデル"(2021) 大西輝明

29) "Modelling the influence of social media on collective opinion" by Teruaki Ohnishi in American Journal of Physics and Application Vol.8,No.6 (2020), pp.78-87.

28) "Can interactive dual fields of information explain the prevalent phenomena" by Teruaki Ohnishi in American Journal of Physics and Application Vol.7,No.6 (2019), pp.144-155.

27) "ITを利用した浦安市民のエネルギー・環境意識調査の試み (II)”(2019)
   大西輝明、島野圭司、市坪 宏、川島謙治
、神尾由恵、林 正雄

26) "Public interest immersed in the field of information environment: How has Japanese interest in energy and environmental problems varied?" by Teruaki Ohnishi and Keiji Shimano in Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences Vol.2,No.1 (2018) 1850005


25) "ITを利用した浦安市民のエネルギー・環境意識調査の試み”(2018)
   大西輝明、島野圭司、市坪 宏、川島謙治

24) "A mathematical model for the occurrence of historical events" by Teruaki Ohnishi in Journal of Physics: Conf.Series Vol.936 (2017) 012024

23) "乗用車起源CO2排出量の将来予測”(2017)

22) "A mathematical method for the turbulent behavior of crowds using agent particles"
by Teruaki Ohnishi in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol.738(1), 012091 (2016)

21) "民生部門における将来の家庭用電力需要と省エネルギーの限界:浦安市の場合
   大西 輝明、島野 圭司、岡田 修身
   社会技術研究論文集 Vol.13 (May 2016), pp.43-52.

20) animation: A mathematical method for the turbulent behavior of crowds using agent particles
by Teruaki Ohnishi

19)”地球温暖化と稲作” (2015)

18) "Possible Power Law Distribution of Historical Interevent Time"
   by Teruaki Ohnishi

17) "浦安の温暖化評価 ‐過去65年間に浦安の気温はどう変化したのか ‐”(2014)
   大西 輝明、島野 圭司、大村 勝行、川島 謙治、杉岡 洋子

16) "エージェント粒子を用いた群集挙動の流体シミュレーション"(2014) 大西 輝明

15) "Morphological Similarity of Road Networks and Cracks"
   by Teruaki Ohnishi, Osami Okada and Hirofumi Shirakata
   in Physica A392(18), 2013, pp.4127-4133

14) "Environmental Attitude of Young Nepalese and its Comparison with the Atttitude of Environmentally Developed Costa Ricans"
   by Teruaki Ohnishi, Shree Ram Khadka, Gustavo Hernandez Sanchez,
   and Tanka Nath Dhamala
   in International Journal of Sociology of Education. Vol. 2(1), pp.26-50 (2013).

13) "Evolution of groups with hierarchical structure"

   by Teruaki Ohnishi
   in Physica A391(2012),5978-5986

  (和訳)"群れのエージェントモデルシミュレーション −階級構造と群れの進化−"  大西 輝明

12)”平成22年度三番瀬自然環境合同調査 第三班報告書”
   安西亮佑、大西輝明、加藤 愛、斎藤 清、林 秀明

11) Como el Voluntariado Exterior Influye en el Publico ? : (articulo en el Espanol)
   par T.Ohnishi y S.Funabashi
   in Revista del Ciencias Sociales, 2010, 128/129 (II-III), 181-191.


10) "To What Extent does Persuadability of the Public Depend on the Culture - A Simulation by the Multi-particle Model -"
   by Teruaki Ohnishi and Aurelia Viquez

9) "An attempt to estimate the risk from weather-induced natural disasters in future Costa Rica"  
   by Teruaki Ohnishi, Gustavo Hernandez Sanchez and Victor Meza Picado

8) "Metodologia Aplicable a la Problematica Ambiental en los Municipios de Costa Rica"  par Teruaki Ohnishi

7) "Toward Quantitative Assessment of the Effect of Social Education -A Multi-agent Model Applicable to Jordanian Society-"
   by Teruaki Ohnishi, Abdelaziz L. Khlaifa, and Mahmoud Abu-Zaid

6) "Assessing the Effect of Global Climate Change on the Future Jordanian Society (II): Implication"
   by Teruaki Ohnishi and Wa'il R. Tyfour
   in Dirasat, Engineering Sciences, Vol.34, No.1, pp.20-35, 2007

5) "Assessing the Effect of Global Climate Change on the Future Jordanian Society (I): A Mathematical Model"
   by Teruaki Ohnishi and Wa'il R. Tyfour
   in Dirasat, Engineering Sciences, Vol.33, No.2, pp.138-157, 2006

4) "Environmental Education based on Culture-dependent Environmental Cognition -A Comparative Study between Jordan and Japan" (2006)
   by Teruaki Ohnishi, Wai'l R. Tyfour, and Yasuo Ito

3) "Comparative Study of the Environmental Cognition between the University Students in Jordan and Japan (2006)
   by Teruaki Ohnishi, Wai'l R. Tyfour, and Yasuo Ito

2) ”イスラムの環境概念” 大西 輝明 (2006)

1) ”科学技術のリスクコミュニケーション”
 大西 輝明 (2005)